Saturday, September 7, 2013

He has arrived!!

I received an email from the Albania, Tirana Mission President, Andrew Michael Ford, confirming that Elder Allgaier has arrived "safe and sound" in Albania!!!  He arrived on the evening of September 4th and has been assigned to serve in the Gjakova group in the district of Tirana with a new, experienced companion.  He even included in the email a few pictures.  We can't wait to hear from Elder Allgaier himself! If you want to write to him, the address should look like this: 
Elder Jonathan Allgaier
Albania Tirana Mission
PO Box 2984
Rruga Qemal Stafa, Vila 1
Perballe Postas Nr. 22
Tirana, Albania
After 33 hours of travel, Elder Tyler Allgaier arrives at the mission home in Tirana, Albania.  Pictured with (L to R) mission president, Andrew Michael Ford, Elder Harvey (his new companion), Elder Tyler Allgaier and Sister Ford.

Elder Tyler Allgaier finally arrives in the mission field!  He and his new companion, Elder Harvey.

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